Highway Expansion Will Force Property Owners to Sell

10 August 2017
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A Tennessee highway expansion brings heartache to residents as hundreds of property owners will be forced to sell their land. The Tennessee Department of Transportation plans to widen approximately 10.5 miles of Highway 11W from Rutledge to Bean Station expanding the road from two lanes to five.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) relayed that widening the road will lead to safer and efficient passage. Unfortunately, these highway improvements come at a significant cost.

300 property owners will unquestionably have to move. Acquisition is projected to start before the end of 2017. Property owners will be forced to sell and to relocate to a different residence. 

The Tennessee Department of Transportation can acquire private property for transportation projects using the power of eminent domain.

Construction activities are likely to begin as early as 2019. However, the dates are not yet finalized, because construction funding for the project is not confirmed. This highway expansion is a part of an improvement act that is in the process of getting approval from the state legislature.

TDOT does have funding for right-of-way acquisition and could still acquire the private property needed for the road widening, even if construction is not able to move forward.

For more information on the expansion of Highway 11W, visit http://www.wbir.com/news/local/highway-11w-expansion-will-destroy-homes-businesses/422510500

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