Pipeline Cuts Through Private Property

10 August 2017
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Georgia property owners are losing land to aid in the construction of the Dalton Pipeline expansion. The pipeline expansion has met much resistance and criticism as eminent domain is used to acquire easements across private property.

Transco is facilitating the 112-mile pipeline project to transport natural gas throughout the southeastern United States. The pipeline will specifically extend from the current Transco pipeline in Coweta County, southwest of Atlanta, and deliver service to the Dalton area in northwest Georgia.

Landowners have voiced complaints due to the company threatening eminent domain if owners refuse to sell.  Transco negotiated compensation with some landowners, while taking other cases to court.

Tim Denson, the owner of a 10-acre property, was one of the cases that went to court. Denson refused the company's offer to purchase his property and didn't receive compensation. Denson’s land is in the direct path of the pipeline construction and his once beautiful horse pasture is now in ruins.

The pipeline cuts straight through Denson’s property, destroying his dreams of building a retirement home for his family.  

Follow the story to see in-depth how this eminent domain case has played out: http://news.wabe.org/post/northwest-georgia-pipeline-cuts-land-faces-backlash

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