Energy Transfer Rover pipeline can Seize Private Property

22 September 2017
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The Energy Transfer Rover Pipeline can directly seize land along the route of a 713-mile-long proposed natural gas pipeline, a federal judge ordered. The ET Rover Pipeline project will transport natural gas through West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, and into Canada.

This spring, the court ruled that ET Rover would suffer “irreparable harm” should the construction of the project be delayed and agreed with Rover’s argument that maintenance of the project schedule is critical for the pipeline’s success. The court granted the pipeline’s request to begin clearing land in preparation for construction, even allowing access to some adjacent properties over the protests of landowners, residents and community organizations.

One organization that the pipeline will cut through is the Post 46 Hunting and Fishing Club. Members of the club are dismayed because the project will shut down range services and disturb day-to-day operations.

Many landowners are in dispute with the company over the pipeline route and compensation. No one wants a temporary access road or pipeline easement to cut through their property.

While some property owners have settled with the company, others have refused the pipeline’s offers of compensation. Using the power of eminent domain, ET Rover has sued 58 property owners to acquire easements through 177 tracts of land in Michigan.

To see in detail how the Energy Transfer Rover Pipeline is affecting property owners, visit

Pipeline projects can affect many aspects of a community, including the natural environment, social activities, and even real estate values. Pipelines raise safety concerns for landowners located near or within the high consequence zone. The high consequence zone is an area around a pipeline within which the chance of survival is unlikely if an explosion were to occur. Is your property located in a high consequence zone? Find out today with an Impact Check Property Impact Report.

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